神社では令和7年巳年記念事業(令和理想郷創成事業) https://kanahebisuijinja.jp にて、3代前の宮司「高橋勝三郎」の遺稿集『金蛇翁夜話かなへびおうやわ』を刊行しました。明治に生まれ激動の時代に生きた老宮司が綴った、神社やふるさと岩沼の歴史や伝承、信仰と実践を記した著です。編者は高橋美由紀 (名誉宮司・東北福祉大学名誉教授)。
紀伊国屋仙台店(仙台市太白区長町7丁目20−3 ザモール仙台3F)
ヤマト屋書店仙台三越店(仙台市青葉区一番町4-8-15 仙台三越定禅寺通り館 B2F)
|At the shrine, at the Reiwa 7th Snake Year Project (Reiwa Utopia Creation Project) https://kanahebisuijinja.jp, a collection of manuscripts of the third-generation shinto priest "Katsusaburo Takahashi" Was published. This book describes the history, folklore, beliefs and practices of shrines and hometowns of Iwanuma, written by the old palace priest who was born in the Meiji era and lived in a turbulent era. The editor is Miyuki Takahashi (Professor Emeritus of Kanahebisui Shrine and Professor Emeritus of Tohoku Fukushi University).In addition to the shrine Gaien souvenir shop MiZuHa, Kinokuniya Sendai store (7-20-3 Nagamachi, Taihaku-ku, Sendai City, Za Mall Sendai 3F) Maruzen Sendai Aeru store (1-3-1 Aeru Chuo, Aoba-ku, Sendai City) Yamatoya Bookstore Sendai Mitsukoshi store (4-8-15 Ichibancho, Aoba-ku, Sendai City Sendai Mitsukoshi Jozenji-dori Building B2F) But it's on hold for a limited time. Please purchase it.